Subject: FRED: V1.1 Artificial Intelli... Author: Chris Chandler Uploaded By: Chris86039 Date: 6/1/1997 File: FRED.ZIP (135350 bytes) Estimated Download Time (42435 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 8450 Needs: An UnZIPing Program and Windows 95 Keywords: Chandler, English, Listen, Fun, Talk, Chat, Win95 Type: Freeware Uploaded by the author, Fred is an artificial intelligence program for Windows 95. You talk to him in plain English, and he remembers what you say, even from your previous conversations with him. He can be annoying at times, and sometimes forget to use proper grammar. Fred is an excellent listener to your problems, but can't answer your questions unless you tell him the answer first. To run, launch: FRED.EXE Documentation: README.RTF